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Candela Mini GentleLASE
Purchased 2 years ago.
Very well looked after always services and well maintained.
Comes with 12,15,18mm Delivery System, Footswitch, a box of 12 and 15 and 4 box of 18 Distance Gauges, User Manual and Treatment Guide.
Will be upgrading soon and that’s the only reason for sale.
The Candela GentleLase is the Premier Laser for Hair Removal – provides permanent hair reduction for skin types I-IV. Fast, versatile, and easy to use.
No downtime for patients. Noninvasive treatment of cosmetic skin conditions such as unwanted hair, vascular and pigmented lesions, and wrinkles.
All Gentlelase systems are fully tested and are in excellent working condition before being offered for sale.
The GentleLASE 755 nm alexandrite laser is Candela’s premier hair removal laser, treating quickly, comfortably and effectively. GentleLASE lasers are also versatile, capable of treating pigmented and vascular lesions and wrinkles. And only Candela lasers feature the Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD™) to maximize patient safety and comfort.
Hair Removal – on all skin types
Pigmented lesions: Sun Damaged Skin, Age Spots, Freckles, Melasma, Café-au-lait, Seborrheic Kereatoses
Vascular: Thick, vascular anomalies such as ashemangionas to leg and facial veins
Wrinkle Reduction.