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The Medlite IV Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser was produced from 1998 to 2002 by Continuum Biomedical (now Amplitude Laser). The Medlite IV continues to be a great investment for any aesthetic practice as it performs extremely well.


Q-Switched lasers work by emitting very short pulse-widths in a matter of nanoseconds. The resulting ablation is called photacoustic. In simple terms the resultant energy released by the laser is like a mini sonic boom that disrupts the intended target mechanically. This is in contrast to lasers that deliver light energy which heats their target also known as photothermal ablation.


The laser system operates at a 532 nm green wavelength with its primary wavelength being 1064 nm. The Medlite IV when operated at 1064nm wavelength is intended for dark in tattoo removal. It can also be used to treat Nevus of Ota. When operated at 532nm wavelength, the primary use is the removal of light ink tattoos and treatment of vascular lesions.


The Medlite IV comes with a MultiSpot handpiece. Following are the wavelength specifications as delivered by the Medlite IV:


2mm @ 532nm
3mm @ 532nm and 1064nm
4mm @ 532nm and 1064nm
6mm @ 532nm and 1064nm and
8mm @ 1064nm


This laser has been regularly serviced by the same technician in Auckland New Zealand where the laser is currently based. The price includes door to door shipping (via sea)to Australia but does not include taxes (if any) or duty.


I don't know how long this old girl is going to last but my laser engineer says she has some great life in her yet. Even if you got 2 years of service you would never get such a high performing medical grade laser for anywhere near the price I am asking. The best you could get is a cheap double pulse, portable laser from China. These lasers are still selling for $15,000US in the USA. Parts are still available and most competent, experienced laser engineers can service them.


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